If your flight is cancelled, this counts as a significant change.
If your flight is cancelled prior to your trip: we will try to find you a suitable alternative flight. If we find alternatives and you choose not to accept them, we will refund your booking in full minus a £75 cancellation fee to cover our costs.
Please note that if you wish to book alternative flights that have not been offered to you, you can do so by paying the cost difference or requesting a refund on the original cost of your flights by contacting us.
If we cannot find you any suitable flights, we will cancel your holiday and refund you in full.
You are entitled to compensation from your airline in case your flight has been cancelled.
If your flight is cancelled during your trip, we will notify you via email and send you instructions on how to proceed.
If your flight is cancelled and you are at/on your way to the airport, please speak directly with the airline staff and they will arrange an alternative flight for you.
For more information on how to claim flight delays and cancellations, check out the in-depth guide put together by the UK Civil Aviation Authority.
Please use the form here to submit a ticket to our team, we are unable to process this through our live chat agents.